@TIP0 @title=Button Tips Issuing the VOLLEY command once orders all men in the regiment to hold their fire and reload their muskets. Issuing the Volley command a second time orders the men to discharge their weapons at once, for a powerful one-time attack. @TIP? @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to HALT stops its movement, maintaining its current facing. @TIP1 @title=Button Tips SKIRMISH LINE is employed for slowing an advancing enemy and feeling out enemy forces. The men assume a long, spread out line, allowing the regiment to cover a broad front, but decreasing their fire effectiveness and staying power. Skirmish lines fall back quickly when strongly attacked. @TIP2 @title=Button Tips Men moving at the DOUBLE QUICK run instead of march to their destination, but gain stress due to the increased effort. Use double quick when time is of the essence. @TIP3 @title=Button Tips A regiment ordered to HOLD maintains its position under fire longer than normal, trading increased casualties for staying power. A regiment can be put on hold only when its commander is unwounded and nearby. @TIP4 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to WHEEL changes facing if not engaged. If the unit is in motion, it wheels to the new facing upon reaching its destination. The down arrow orders the unit to change its facing 180 degrees. @TIP5 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to ADVANCE moves forward about 200 yards then stops. The advance command is an easy way to move a unit forward into combat. @TIP6 @title=Button Tips When ordered to CHARGE, a regiment rushes the enemy regiment or battery it currently is firing at and engages in a furious, close-range firefight until it or its target is repulsed or driven away. A regiment must be engaged with an enemy to charge and must have its commander nearby. @TIP7 @title=Button Tips When ordered to FALL BACK, a unit slowly backs away from the enemy, while continuing to fire. Fall back is best used for a slow retreat when a unit is under heavy fire. A unit must be engaged to fall back. @TIP8 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to RETREAT breaks formation and runs for safety, reforming when it is a safe distance from the battle. Retreat is best used to quickly disengage from a firefight. However, the move is dangerous because the unit exposes its back to the enemy fire as it retreats. @TIP9 @title=Button Tips LINE is the standard fighting formation. The men line up shoulder-to-shoulder in two ranks. This formation combines maximum firepower with staying power. However, units in line formation move slower than those in column or skirmish formations. @TIP10 @title=Button Tips COLUMN formation is best for fast travel. The men line up in two columns and move quickly to their destination, but they cannot fight and will take heavy casualties if hit by enemy fire. @TIP11 @title=Button Tips When ordered to UNLIMBER, A battery unhitches the guns from the horses and prepares to fire. An unlimbered battery cannot move until limbered. If an unlimbered battery is ordered to move, it limbers, moves to its new desti- nation, and unlimbers again. @TIP12 @title=Button Tips A battery ordered to LIMBER hitches its guns to the horses and prepares to move. A limbered battery can move quickly but cannot fire until unlimbered. @TIP13 @title=Button Tips A battery ordered to TARGET INFANTRY concentrates its fire on enemy infantry regiments it considers the greatest threat, ignoring hostile batteries. @TIP14 @title=Button Tips A battery ordered to TARGET ARTILLERY concentrates its fire on enemy batteries it considers the greatest threat, ignoring hostile regiments. @TIP15 @title=Button Tips A battery ordered to AUTO TARGET concentrates its fire on the enemy unit it considers the greatest threat, whether infantry or artillery. @TIP16 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to WHEEL changes its facing if not under fire. If the unit is in motion, it will wheel to the new facing upon reaching its destination. The down arrow orders the unit to change its facing 180 degrees. @TIP17 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to HALT stops its movement, maintaining its current facing. If the last formation command it was given was LIMBER, it remains limbered, otherwise it UNLIMBERS. @TIP18 @title=Button Tips Selecting LINE OF SIGHT grays out the portion of the map not visible to the selected unit. Any enemy movement in gray portions of the map cannot be seen or targeted by the unit. @TIP19 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to HOLD maintains its position under fire longer than normal, trading increased casualties for staying power. A unit can be put on hold only when an unwounded superior commander is nearby. @TIP20 @title=Button Tips A battery ordered to RETREAT Limbers and runs for safety. Retreat is best used to quickly disengage from a fire- fight. However, the move is dangerous because the battery exposes its rear to enemy fire as it retreats. @TIP21 @title=Button Tips Not implemented. @TIP22 @title=Button Tips BATTLE orders all the regiments of the brigade to assume line formation and align side-by-side on the brigade commander’s current location if he’s not moving, or his destination if he’s in motion. Double-clicking orders the brigade to assume the commander’s current facing as well. @TIP23 @title=Button Tips DOUBLE orders all the regiments of a brigade to assume line formation in two rows, aligned on the brigade com- mander’s current location if he’s not moving, or his destination if he’s in motion. Double-clicking orders the brigade to assume the commander’s current facing as well. @TIP24 @title=Button Tips A brigade in ROAD formation has all regiments in columns, lined up one after the next, and will try to follow roads whenever possible. Roads give movement bonuses, making this formation ideal for quick travel over moderate distances. @TIP25 @title=Button Tips MANEUVER orders all the regiments of the brigade to assume column formation and to align themselves side-by-side on the brigade commander’s current location if he’s not moving, or his destination if he’s in motion. Double-clicking orders the brigade to assume the commander’s current facing as well. This formation is designed for quick, orderly movement. @TIP26 @title=Button Tips SKIRMISH orders all regiments of the brigade into skirmish formation, aligned side-by-side on the brigade commander’s current location if he’s not moving, or his destination if he’s in motion. Double-clicking orders the brigade to assume the commander’s current facing as well. @TIP27 @title=Button Tips The COMMAND button allows a player in a multi-player game to take command of the selected brigade. This button appears only when you select a brigade you do NOT control. @TIP28 @title=Button Tips The BRIGADE HALT command stops the movement of every regiment in the brigade in their current locations, maintaining their current facing. @TIP29 @title=Button Tips The ATTACH command re-attaches all detached regiments to the selected brigade commander. @TIP30 @title=Button Tips The RALLY command calls all routed regiments of the brigade to the commander’s location or destination (if he’s in motion). Routed regiments rally faster when close to their commander. @TIP31 @title=Button Tips Not implemented. @TIP32 @title=Button Tips Not implemented. @TIP33 @title=Button Tips The MAP CONTROL ICON allows you to control your view of the map. Use Zoom and Unzoom to zoom in and out, and L and R to rotate the map. You can also use the keyboard: the left and right arrows rotate the map, the up arrow returns the map to its default orientation, and the 'Z' and 'X' keys zoom and unzoom the map. @TIP34 @title=Button Tips The COMPASS shows which way the map is currently oriented. The default is North. You can use the left and right arrow keys or the Map Control Icon to rotate the map; the up arrow returns the map to its default view. @TIP35 @title=Button Tips The VICTORY CLOCK shows the current time. As the scenario winds down, an hourglass will begin flashing, indicating that time is running low. An Objective Site changing hands at this time can extend the ending time of the scenario. @TIP36 @title=Button Tips The MORALE BLOCKS show the morale of the currently selected unit. More blocks means the unit can withstand more stress in battle. Blocks are gained for experience, covered terrain (woods, rocks and orchards), support from nearby troops, being entrenched, and having a commander nearby. @TIP37 @title=Button Tips The STATUS BAR identifies the selected unit as well as indicating its commander, the number of troops, its experience level, whether it's visible to the enemy, who it's firing at, and whether its fire is blocked by friendly troops. @TIP38 @title=Button Tips The TERRAIN DESCRIPTION shows what kind of terrain the currently selected unit occupies. @TIP39 @title=Button Tips BRIGADE ADVANCE orders all regiments of the brigade to advance forward about 200 yards then stop. This command is an easy way to move an entire brigade into combat. @TIP40 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to WHEEL will change its facing if not under fire. If the unit is in motion, it will wheel to the new facing upon reaching its destination. The down arrow orders the unit to change its facing 180 degrees. @TIP41 @title=Button Tips Selecting LINE OF SIGHT grays out the portion of the map not visible to the currently selected unit. Any enemy movement in grayed out portions of the map cannot be seen by the unit. @TIP42 @title=Button Tips A unit ordered to FALL BACK will move backward slowly while still firing at the enemy. Fall back is best used for a slow retreat when a unit is under heavy fire. A unit must be engaged to fall back. @TIP43 @title=Button Tips A regiment given the DON’T STOP order will proceed to its destination in spite of enemy fire. A regiment in this mode may take heavy casualties, so the command should be used when the regiment's move is critical. @TIP44 @title=Button Tips This command orders the regiment to resume receiving commands from the brigade commander. A regiment becomes detached when it assumes a formation different from the other regiments of the brigade, or when it is detached using the DETACH command (shift-'X' on the keyboard). @TIP45 @title=Quick Start Use click and drag to select and move units. Move the mouse to the edges of the screen to scroll the map. Use the command icons at the bottom of the screen to give special orders. Right click on these icons for a brief description. Move the mouse to the top of the screen to activate the menu bar. Try the tutorials for lots more information. Good Luck! @TIP46 @title=Quick Start 2 The guys on the white horses in this game are BRIGADE COMMANDERS. They make it easy to move a group of regiments at the same time. Try the tutorials for more information on brigade commanders. @